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With this spring being so uncertain any excuse to fill EBC events blog with flowers and colors! There are bouquets with delicate tones or full of color. I found a riot of Peonies, Tulips, Roses, Daisies.


  • Peonies, a white bouquet very elegant and natural. Peony flowers are moderately large and fragrant, featuring different colors ranging from soft shades of pink to ruby red. The most candid is the white or cream colored peony. Cream and white peony is used for brides’ bouquets.

Peonie Bouquets.










  • The Tulip, is universally known for its intense and very sweet scent that emanates. The flowers that are born from this type of bulb can have different shades, while its leaves are of a characteristic and extremely intense green.









Tulip Bouquet.

  • Roses: If the bud is red we have a combination of purity and love, while if you opt for a white rosebud it means youth or “too young to love”. The musky rosebud shows the desire to confess one’s love. A single rose means Simplicity.

Roses Bouquet.






  • Daisies, being used as ornamental plants, for the delicate aspect of flowers, are very suitable to be the fil rouge of a wedding; they represent Spring and after the rose they are the most appreciated by brides.

    Daisies Bouquet.








How will be (or how was, if you have already said yes) your bouquet? Have you found your favorite among these? I, as always, love the more colorful ones!! If you want to have more help for the choice of flowers just click on this article.

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